Halloween Malware And Instore Offer
posted in Halloween by Kelly on 13:39 Oct 7th, 2016
Halloween Malware
It is the time of year when ghosts, ghouls and witches once again make an appearance. This year seems to be especially troublesome for malware too. There seems to be a larger abundance of malware issues around this year in comparison to last. So far this month I have had over 20 customers that have come in with pop-up issues and machines that have been locked out saying phone this number to get access to your data. It does seem to be that not everything scary this Halloween goes bump in the night! So with this is mind I am going to give a quick run through on Malware. I have covered this in various other blog posts but given the increased frequency of occurrence at present I do not see the harm in bringing this issue to the front of peoples minds.
The Issue With Malware
Malware is very common these days. Most people I see these days have Malware problems in one shape or another. As much of this ends up on the system due to the user clicking on things or visiting iffy websites most Internet Security and Anti-virus systems will fail to stop it. We would highly suggest running Malwarebytes (download either the free or if you feel rich the paid version). Run a scan on your machine and see what it finds. Most people are shocked. It will pick up what are mostly harmless things like tracking cookies but it will also detect other stuff like Trojans, Adware and many, many more. Do not get me wrong, having these baddies on your computer does not mean that you have done anything wrong. You can pick it up just from clicking the most innocent of links. I got a infection on my laptop a few years ago now from clicking on a link to a shop that sells power kite equipment that I have been to hundreds of times. I could not remember the correct address and for some reason did not have it bookmarked so clicked on the link to it at the bottom of a page on a very well known auction site. The next thing I know I have a program for some Anti-virus system I have never heard of installed telling me that my machine is so infected it is a miracle it will turn on!! I did not ask for this program nor did I authorise for it to be installed. I did clink on the link though and ended up with issues as a result. It can be totally innocent actions that result in major problems. Facebook is a security disaster zone and is so often the root of the evil mostly with no knowledge by Facebook themselves. There are so many opportunities for the unscrupulous to take advantage it would be impossible for Facebook to keep on top of it with all the 3rd party add-ons, games and links. People add their own content and link to content on other sites and hey presto you have a Malware melting pot. My mum just last week had a friend who had their Facebook account hacked and a load of private messages saying people were in a video click on the link were sent to her friends and family. They click on the link and input their details to verify their account and suddenly they have problems as they have just given away their log in information. This leads to bigger issues as people inevitably use the same password for their social media accounts as they do for things like their email. When you log into an account using an email address the evil amongst us already have part of the details they need. By verifying using the spoof link to get access to this video you have now allowed them access to your emails and everything that your email contains. If you are like the other 99% of the population you will save emails about logging in details for other sites you use so now these hackers and bad guys have access to all those details too. Before you know it your identity has been cloned and you have credit issues, fraud and even criminal records in your name that are nothing to do with you.
If you feel a bit like the man above... I cannot stress this point enough...IF in doubt, do NOT click or enter your details. Sometimes your gut instinct is correct in telling you that something is not right. If you get a message from a friend like my mum did and you doubt it is real e.g. there is no mention of your name, the message seems impersonal and generic or just out of character for them then send them a message first to check they sent it. In many cases until someone says something they are unlikely to know they even have a problem. To put it in simple terms Malware is unwanted software that gathers your data, keyloggers, adware and viruses that cause your machine to run slow, cause pop-ups and other problems like this. A lot are after your card details and personal information. Take care with what you do online this Halloween (and always!) to ensure that you keep the risk of infection to a minimum. If you would like more information please check out my other blog posts, Find us on Facebook or why not get in touch! I love to hear from happy customers and readers. Share the blog with your friends and family too on social media and spread the word.
From all of us at Sivill Service, have a safe and great Halloween. Pop in and see us for exclusive offers this Halloween including our free to enter prize drawer (entry with all purchases over £10 after 17th October).